Serially correlated variables in dynamic, discrete choice models (replication...
This paper discusses the problems that are encountered when dynamic, discrete choice models are specified with continuous, serially correlated state variables. A variety of... -
Business cycle non-linearities in UK consumption and production (replication ...
This paper develops non-linear smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models with two additive smooth transition components to capture the business cycle characteristics of UK... -
Adaptive estimation of cointegrated models: simulation evidence and an applic...
The paper reports simulation and empirical evidence on the finite-sample performance of adaptive estimators in cointegrated systems. Adaptive estimators are asymptotically... -
Investigating stability and linearity of a German M1 money demand function (r...
Starting from a linear error correction model (ECM) the stability and linearity of a German M1 money demand function are investigated, applying smooth transition regression... -
Estimation in large and disaggregated demand systems: an estimator for condit...
Empirical demand systems that do not impose unreasonable restrictions on preferences are typically non-linear. We show, however, that all popular systems possess the property of... -
Small sample properties of LIML and jackknife IV estimators: experiments with...
Using Monte Carlo simulations we study the small sample performance of the traditional TSLS, the LIML and four new jackknife IV estimators when the instruments are weak. We find... -
Jackknife instrumental variables estimation (replication data)
Two-stage-least-squares (2SLS) estimates are biased towards the probability limit of OLS estimates. This bias grows with the degree of over-identification and can generate... -
A general dependence test and applications (replication data)
We describe a test, based on the correlation integral, for the independence of a variable and a vector that can be used with serially dependent data. Monte Carlo simulations... -
Ethnic wage differences in Malaysia: parametric and semiparametric estimation...
Parametric and semiparametric estimated wage equations, which correct for sample selection bias, are used to assess the returns to eduction and extent of ethnic discrimination... -
Semiparametric estimation and consumer demand (replication data)
This paper considers the implementation of semiparametric methods in the empirical analysis of consumer demand. The application is to the estimation of the Engel curve... -
An empirical application of stochastic volatility models (replication data)
This paper studies the empirical performance of stochastic volatility models for twenty years of weekly exchange rate data for four major currencies. We concentrate on the... -
Stylized facts of daily return series and the hidden Markov model (replicatio...
In two recent papers, Granger and Ding (1995a,b) considered long return series that are first differences of logarithmed price series or price indices. They established a set of... -
Alternative functional forms for production, cost and returns to scale functi...
We consider generalized production functions, introduced in Zellner and Revankar (1969), for output y=g(f) where g is a monotonic function and f is a homogeneous production... -
Testing non-nested semiparametric models: an application to Engel curves spec...
This paper proposes a test statistic for discriminating between two partly non-linear regression models whose parametric components are non-nested. The statistic has the form of... -
An EMS target zone model in discrete time (replication data)
The discrete time analogue of the continuous time Krugman target zone model is developed in order to capture the typical volatility clusters and fat-tailed distributed... -
Growth and convergence in a multi-country empirical stochastic Solow model (r...
The paper considers international per capita output and its growth using a panel of data for 102 countries between 1960 and 1989. It sets out an explicitly stochastic Solow... -
Testing for convergence: evidence from non-parametric multimodality tests (re...
In this paper, we test the convergence hypothesis in a cross-section of 119 countries by means of bootstrap multimodality tests and nonparametric density estimation techniques.... -
The generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation technique is discussed for count data models with endogenous regressors. Count data models can be specified with additive or... -
This paper demonstrates that the unobserved heterogeneity commonly assumed to be the source of overdispersion in count data models has predictable implications for the... -
This paper develops a semi-parametric estimation method for hurdle (two-part) count regression models. The approach in each stage is based on Laguerre series expansion for the...