A Hidden Markov Model Approach to Information-Based Trading: Theory and Appli...
This paper develops a novel approach to information-based securities trading by characterizing the hidden state of the market, which varies following a Markov process. Extensive... -
Isolating the Roles of Individual Covariates in Reweighting Estimation (repli...
A host of recent research has used reweighting methods to analyze the extent to which observable characteristics predict between-group differences in the distribution of an... -
The Environmental Kuznets Curve, Cointegration and Nonlinearity (replication ...
This paper clarifies some conceptual shortcomings of the empirical environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) literature that arise because of the hitherto inadequate application of unit... -
Estimating and Forecasting the Yield Curve Using A Markov Switching Dynamic N...
We estimate versions of the Nelson-Siegel model of the yield curve of US government bonds using a Markov switching latent variable model that allows for discrete changes in the... -
Doubly Robust Estimation of Causal Effects with Multivalued Treatments: An Ap...
This paper provides doubly robust estimators for treatment effect parameters which are defined in a multivalued treatment effect framework. We apply this method to the unique... -
Effect of FDI and Time on Catching Up: New Insights from a Conditional Nonpar...
We use an appropriate nonparametric two-step approach on conditional efficiencies to investigate how foreign direct investment (FDI) and time affect the process of catching up.... -
Replacing Sample Trimming with Boundary Correction in Nonparametric Estimatio...
Two-step nonparametric estimators have become standard in empirical auctions. A drawback concerns boundary effects which cause inconsistencies near the endpoints of the support... -
Combining Matching and Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Estimation: Theory...
We show how instrumental variable and matching estimators can be combined in order to identify a broader array of treatment effects. Instrumental variable (IV) estimators are... -
A New Utility-Consistent Econometric Approach to Multivariate Count Data Mode...
In the current paper, we propose a new utility-consistent modeling framework to explicitly link a count data model with an event-type multinomial-choice model. The proposed... -
Simple Identification and Specification of Cointegrated Varma Models (replica...
We bring together some recent advances in the literature on vector autoregressive moving-average models, creating a simple specification and estimation strategy for the... -
Local Adaptive Multiplicative Error Models for High-Frequency Forecasts (repl...
We propose a local adaptive multiplicative error model (MEM) accommodating time-varying parameters. MEM parameters are adaptively estimated based on a sequential testing... -
Analysis of Hospital Production: An Output Index Approach (replication data)
In this study, we develop and implement an output index approach to the estimation of hospital cost functions that reflects the differentiated nature of hospital care. The... -
Regression Discontinuity Applications with Rounding Errors in the Running Var...
Many empirical applications of regression discontinuity (RD) models use a running variable that is rounded and hence discrete, e.g.?age in years, or birth weight in ounces. This... -
Hedonic Housing Prices in Paris: An Unbalanced Spatial Lag Pseudo-Panel Model...
This paper estimates a hedonic housing model based on flats sold in the city of Paris over the period 1990-2003. This is done using maximum likelihood estimation, taking into... -
DSGE Models in the Frequency Domains (replication data)
We use frequency domain techniques to estimate a medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model on different frequency bands. We show that goodness of fit,... -
Volatility of Price Indices for Heterogeneous Goods with Applications to the ...
Price indices for heterogeneous goods such as real estate or fine art constitute crucial information for institutional or private investors considering alternative investment... -
Using OLS to Estimate and Test for Structural Changes in Models with Endogeno...
We consider the problem of estimating and testing for multiple breaks in a single-equation framework with regressors that are endogenous, i.e. correlated with the errors. We... -
The likelihood of the parameters in structural macroeconomic models typically has non-identification regions over which it is constant. When sufficiently diffuse priors are... -
We use Bayesian time-varying parameter structural vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility to investigate changes in reduced-form and structural correlations between... -
This paper demonstrates the identification of causal mechanisms of a binary treatment under selection on observables, (primarily) based on inverse probability weighting; i.e. we...