Eliciting probabilistic expectations with visual aids in developing countries...
Eliciting subjective probability distributions in developing countries is often based on visual aids such as beans to represent probabilities and intervals on a sheet of paper... -
Estimating intergenerational schooling mobility on censored samples: conseque...
In this paper we estimate the impact of parental schooling on child schooling, focus on the problem that children who are still in school constitute censored observations, and... -
Mean-variance econometric analysis of household portfolios (replication data)
We investigate households' portfolio choice using a microeconometric approach derived from mean-variance optimization. We assume that households have heterogeneous expectations... -
The political economy of financial reform: are Abiad and Mody right? (replica...
Motivated by the questions Financial Reform: What Shakes It? What Shapes It? raised by Abiad and Mody (2005), this paper studies the forces that induce governments to undertake... -
Measuring state dependence in individual poverty histories when there is feed...
This paper argues that the assumption of strict exogeneity, which is usually invoked in estimating models of state dependence with unobserved heterogeneity, is violated in the... -
Public insurance and private savings: who is affected and by how much? (repli...
This paper employs a recently developed instrumental quantile regression method to investigate the effect of Medicaid on household savings across different wealth groups. It... -
An alternative approach to estimate the wage returns to private-sector traini...
This paper follows an alternative approach to identify the wage effects of private-sector training. The idea is to narrow down the comparison group by only taking into... -
From temporary help jobs to permanent employment: what can we learn from matc...
The diffusion of temporary work agency (TWA) jobs has led to a harsh policy debate and ambiguous empirical evidence. Results for the USA, based on quasi-experimental evidence,... -
Sequential numerical integration in nonlinear state space models for microeco...
This paper discusses the estimation of a class of nonlinear state space models including nonlinear panel data models with autoregressive error components. A health economics... -
Assessing the performance of matching algorithms when selection into treatmen...
This paper investigates the method of matching regarding two crucial implementation choices: the distance measure and the type of algorithm. We implement optimal full matching a... -
The effect of household characteristics on living standards in South Africa 1...
This paper examines whether the dismantling of apartheid has resulted in an improvement in the standard of living for the vast majority of South Africans. The study is based on... -
Smoothed binary regression quantiles (replication data)
This paper extends results regarding smoothed median binary regression to general smoothed binary quantile regression, discusses the interpretation of the resulting estimators... -
A structural dynamic analysis of retirement behaviour in the Netherlands (rep...
This study focuses on determinants of elderly labour force participation and retirement decisions in the Netherlands. This is analysed by a dynamic programming model for the... -
Nonlinear effects of exchange rate volatility on the volume of bilateral expo...
In this paper, we investigate empirically the impact of exchange rate volatility on real international trade flows utilizing a 13-country data set of monthly bilateral real... -
A county-level database on expellees in West Germany, 1939–1961
Between 1944–1950, almost eight million expellees arrived in West Germany. We introduce a rich county-level database on the expellees’ socio-economic situation in post-war... -
Voluntary Quits: Do Works Councils Matter? (replication data)
Most of the literature on the effects of German works councils does not deal with the issue of potential endogeneity of works council existence. Exploiting exogenous variation... -
Public Investment Subsidies and Firm Performance – Evidence from Germany – re...
This paper assesses firm-level effects of the single largest investment subsidy programme in Germany. The analysis considers grants allocated to firms in East German regions... -
A Sequential Decomposition of the Drop in Collective Bargaining Coverage (rep...
The data documentation contains information on: 1. Data access (links) 2. Data description (links) 3. Variables list 4. Program routines, i.e. Do-Files A description of the... -
Youth unemployment after apprenticeship training and individual, occupation a...
This paper analyses the risk of unemployment, unemployment duration, and the risk of longterm unemployment immediately after apprenticeship graduation. Unemployed apprenticeship... -
Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms (...
Using the introduction of fixed unemployment assistance in Germany in 2005 as a unique natural experiment, we find strong evidence that decreased unemployment compensation has...