The impact of product and labour market reform on growth: Evidence for OECD c...
We examine the impact of labour and product market reforms on economic growth in 25 OECD countries between 1985 and 2013, and tests whether this impact is conditioned by the... -
Did Protestantism promote prosperity via higher human capital? Replicating th...
This paper shows that the Becker-Woessmann reformulation of the Weber thesis-Protestants were more prosperous in 19th-century Prussia because they had higher human capital-is... -
Estimation of average treatment effects using panel data when treatment effec...
This paper proposes a new panel data approach to identify and estimate the time-varying average treatment effect (ATE). The approach allows for treatment effect heterogeneity... -
Measuring mortgage credit availability: A frontier estimation approach (repli...
We construct a new measure of mortgage credit availability using a technique developed for production frontier estimation. The resulting loan frontier describes the maximum... -
Estimation of linear dynamic panel data models with time‐invariant regressors...
We present a sequential approach to estimating a dynamic Hausman-Taylor model. We first estimate the coefficients of the time-varying regressors and subsequently regress the... -
Estimating within‐cluster spillover effects using a cluster randomization wit...
Spillover effects within randomized clusters pose a challenge for identifying impacts of an individualized treatment. The paper proposes a solution. Longitudinal and... -
Ancestry and development: New evidence (replication data)
We revisit the relationship between ancestral distance and barriers to the diffusion of development by replicating previous results with a new genomic dataset on human... -
Self-employment among women: Do children matter more than we previously thoug...
This paper presents an estimation approach that addresses the problems of sample selection and endogeneity of fertility decisions when estimating the effect of young children on... -
Binary response panel data models with sample selection and self‐selection (r...
We consider estimating binary response models on an unbalanced panel, where the outcome of the dependent variable may be missing due to nonrandom selection, or there is... -
Difference-in-differences when the treatment status is observed in only one p...
This paper considers the difference-in-differences (DID) method when the data come from repeated cross-sections and the treatment status is observed either before or after the... -
Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: Evidence from a Sample of Dutch Twin...
This paper examines the causal link that runs from classroom quality to student achievement using data on twin pairs who entered the same school but were allocated to different... -
Identification and Estimation of Distributional Impacts of Interventions Usin...
This paper presents estimators of distributional impacts of interventions when selection to the program is based on observable characteristics. Distributional impacts are... -
Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Dependence: Usin...
This paper considers the estimation of dynamic panel data models when data are suspected to exhibit cross-sectional dependence. A new estimator is defined that uses... -
Cost and Preference Heterogeneity in Risky Financial Markets (replication data)
This paper estimates the magnitude of participation costs and preference parameters exploiting information on households? participation decisions in the equities market. A... -
This paper examines how beliefs about own HIV status affect decisions to engage in risky sexual behavior, as measured by having extramarital sex and/or multiple sex partners.... -
We estimate the impulse response function (IRF) of GDP to a banking crisis using an extension of the local projections method. We demonstrate that, though robust to... -
Using parametric and non-parametric estimation techniques, we analyze the sustainability of the recently growing current account imbalances in the euro area and test whether the... -
The political economy of financial reform: How robust are huang's findings? (...
Using new data on financial liberalization taken from Abiad et al. (2008, IMF Working Papers, No. 08/266) for 62 countries over the period 1975-2005, we show that some of the... -
Stocks, bonds, money markets and exchange rates: measuring international fina...
Understanding the complexity of the financial transmission process across various assets-domestically as well as within and across asset classes-requires the simultaneous... -
The political economy of financial reform: are Abiad and Mody right? (replica...
Motivated by the questions Financial Reform: What Shakes It? What Shapes It? raised by Abiad and Mody (2005), this paper studies the forces that induce governments to undertake...