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Sebastian Breuer
Steffen Elstner

germany’s growth prospects against the backdrop of demographic change (replication data)

Replication files for: Breuer, S. and S. Elstner: "Germany’s growth prospects against the backdrop of demographic change" Journal of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. * All data are in ASCII format (tabstop seperated, .txt-files). * All code for this paper is written in EViews. File Description: * Nairu_data.txt and Nairu_code.txt contain the replication files for the NAIRU-Estimation * TFP_data.txt and TFP_code.txt contain the replication Files for the TFP-Estimation * Potential_outptput_data.txt and Potential_outptput_code.txt contain the replication Files for the Potential-Output-Estimation. Notes: * Some comments in the EVIEWs-codes are in German, please contact the authors if you have any questions (, * More Data and further technical details about the GCEE´s cohort model are available on request. Seite

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Suggested Citation

Breuer, Sebastian; Elstner, Steffen (2020): Germany’s growth prospects against the backdrop of demographic change (Replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Economics and Statistics. Dataset.

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