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Lukas Röseler
Hannah L. Bögler
Lisa Koßmann
Sabine M. Krueger
Sabrina L. C. Bickenbach
Ricarda Bühler
Jasmin della Guardia
Lisa-Marie A. Köppel
Jarl Möhring
Susanne Ponader
Konstantin Roßmaier
Jessica Sing

need for cognition, cognitive load, and forewarning do not moderate anchoring effects: a replication study of epley & gilovich (journal of behavioral decision making, 2005; psychological science, 2006)

Contains all scripts and datastes to reproduce results from the paper.

To reproduce results from all figures and tables, run the master-script "analyses_master.R" in R and go to your working directory to see the saved files (internet connection needed).

To reproduce specific results from the individual studies, follow the instructions in the readme file. The respective datasets and scripts are in the studies' folders.

Data and Resources

Suggested Citation

Röseler, Lukas; Bögler, Hannah L.; Koßmann, Lisa; Krueger, Sabine M.; Bickenbach, Sabrina L. C.; Bühler, Ricarda; della Guardia, Jasmin; Köppel, Lisa-Marie A.; Möhring, Jarl; Ponader, Susanne; Roßmaier, Konstantin; Sing, Jessica (2024): Need for Cognition, Cognitive Load, and Forewarning do not Moderate Anchoring Effects: A Replication Study of Epley & Gilovich (Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2005; Psychological Science, 2006). Version: 1. JCRE. Dataset.

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