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Nikolaus Hautsch
Lada M. Kyj
Roel C. A. Oomen

a blocking and regularization approach to high-dimensional realized covariance estimation (replication data)

We introduce a blocking and regularization approach to estimate high-dimensional covariances using high-frequency data. Assets are first grouped according to liquidity. Using the multivariate realized kernel estimator of Barndorff-Nielsen et al. (2010), the covariance matrix is estimated block-wise and then regularized. The performance of the resulting blocking and regularization (?RnB?) estimator is analyzed in an extensive simulation study mimicking the liquidity and market microstructure features of the S&P 1500 universe. The RnB estimator yields efficiency gains for varying liquidity settings, noise-to-signal ratios and dimensions. An empirical application of estimating daily covariances of the S&P 500 index confirms the simulation results.

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Hautsch, Nikolaus; Kyj, Lada M.; Oomen, Roel C. A. (2012): A blocking and regularization approach to high-dimensional realized covariance estimation (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.