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Matteo Barigozzi
Christian T. Brownlees

nets: network estimation for time series (replication data)

We model a large panel of time series as a vector autoregression where the autoregressive matrices and the inverse covariance matrix of the system innovations are assumed to be sparse. The system has a network representation in terms of a directed graph representing predictive Granger relations and an undirected graph representing contemporaneous partial correlations. A LASSO algorithm called NETS is introduced to estimate the model. We apply the methodology to analyze a panel of volatility measures of 90 blue chips. The model captures an important fraction of total variability, on top of what is explained by volatility factors, and improves out-of-sample forecasting.

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Suggested Citation

Barigozzi, Matteo; Brownlees, Christian T. (2019): NETS: Network estimation for time series (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.