Data for paper on min wages in GR.xlsx
Data used in the paper "The minimum wage in Greece: a review of institutional features, developments and effects between 1975 and 2023"
The EXCEL file “Greek minimum wages 1975-2023.xlsx” contains the following information: 1. Sheet Figure 1: a. Data on nominal minimum wages (monthly salaries and daily rates) sourced from the Bank of Greece Bulletin of Conjunctural Indicators. b. Data on CPI used in deflating the nominal minimum wages (salary and daily rates) was sourced from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT). 2. Sheet Figure 2: a. Data on the real minimum monthly salaries from Sheet Figure 1 converted to annual figures. b. Data on GDP per person employed was sourced from the AMECO database (variable RVGDE). 3. Sheet Figure A1: a. Average nominal annual earnings per employee for the whole economy (in EUR 000s, current prices) [National Accounts data] b. Average annual earnings per employee for the whole economy (in EUR 000s, 2009 prices) [National Accounts data] c. Minimum salary in EUR (current prices, constant exchange rate) d. Annual minimum income (current prices) based on the minimum salary in EUR e. Annual minimum income (2009 prices) – deflation of the annual minimum income in current prices using the CPI deflator f. Annual % changes in wages and salaries to work the series of annual average wages backwards g. Kaitz index – ratio of minimum to average h. Average Kaitz index over the period 1975-2023 4. Sheet Figure A2: The 4 variables used for Figure A2. Reference to white-collar workers. 5. Sheet Figure A3: The 4 variables used for Figure A3. Reference to blue-collar workers. 6. Sheet Regression data: – the 8 variables used in the regression results of
Field | Value |
Format | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
License | CC-BY 4.0 |
Type | data |
Version | 1 |
Authors | Nicolitsas, Daphne |
DOI | |
Publication Date | 2024 |
Availability | Download |
Geographic Area (controlled) | Greece |
Geographic Area (free) | Greece |
Temporal Coverage (free) | |
Unit Type | |
Number of Units | |
Sampled Universe | |
Number of Variables | |
URL | |
Last updated | September 27, 2024 |
Created | September 27, 2024 |