Jayasri Dutta
James Sefton
Martin Weale
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income distribution and income dynamics in the united kingdom (replication data)

In this paper, we propose a model of income dynamics which takes account of mobility both within and between jobs. The model is a hybrid of the mover-stayer model of income dynamics and a geometric random walk. In any period, individuals face a discrete probability of moving, in which case their income is a random drawn from a stationary recurrent distribution. Otherwise, they stay and incomes follow a geometric random walk. The model is estimated on income transition data for the United Kingdom from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and provides a good explanation of observed non-linearities in income dynamics. The steady-state distribution of the model provides a good fit for the observed, cross-sectional distribution of earnings. We also evaluate the impact of tertiary education on income transitions and on the long-run distribution of incomes.

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Suggested Citation

Dutta, Jayasri; Sefton, James; Weale, Martin (2001): Income distribution and income dynamics in the United Kingdom (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. https://journaldata.zbw.eu/dataset/income-distribution-and-income-dynamics-in-the-united-kingdom?activity_id=e59d8e50-17b1-40a5-8693-78572dde4a62