Julian Ashwin
Eleni Kalamara
Saiz Lorena

nowcasting euro area gdp with news sentiment: a tale of two crises (replication data)

Replication data for Ashwin et al (2024) Nowcasting euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises.

Data and code for the paper is also available on Julian Ashwins Github account

Please note: This is an updated and slightly modified version (1.2): Date: 2024-05-16

Data and Resources

Suggested Citation

Ashwin, Julian; Kalamara, Eleni; Lorena, Saiz (2024): Nowcasting euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. http://dx.doi.org/10.15456/jae.2024079.1245878012