Activity Stream
jda updated the dataset Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2007
4 years ago -
jda updated the dataset Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2007
4 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset The Mental Health Cost of Terrorism
4 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset The Mental Health Cost of Terrorism
4 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset replication files for Smith and Coupe (2020)
4 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A replication study of Blau and Kahn (Journal of Economic Literature 2017)
5 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A replication study of Blau and Kahn (Journal of Economic Literature 2017)
5 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A replication study of Blau and Kahn (Journal of Economic Literature 2017)
5 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A replication study of Blau and Kahn (Journal of Economic Literature 2017)
5 years ago -
Franz Osorio updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Firm size and the use of export intermediaries. A replication study of Abel-Koch (The World Economy, 2013) (replication data)
5 years ago -
Franz Osorio updated the dataset Inflation and Broadband Revisited: Evidence from an OECD Panel. A replication study of Yi and Chio (Journal of Policy Modeling, 2005)
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Inflation and Broadband Revisited: Evidence from an OECD Panel. A replication study of Yi and Chio (Journal of Policy Modeling, 2005)
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Semiparametric Value-At-Risk Estimation of Portfolios
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Firm size and the use of export intermediaries. A replication study of Abel-Koch (The World Economy, 2013) (replication data)
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Minimum Wage Data Access and Estimates
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Minimum Wage Data Access and Estimates
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Semiparametric Value-At-Risk Estimation of Portfolios
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
JCRE updated the dataset Not Evidence for Baumol's Cost Disease
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2010
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2010
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2010
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2010
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Inflation and Broadband Revisited: Evidence from an OECD Panel. A replication study of Yi and Chio (Journal of Policy Modeling, 2005)
5 years ago -
The System updated the dataset Minimum Wage Data Access and Estimates
5 years ago