Priors and Posterior Computation in Linear Endogenous Variable Models with Im...
In this paper we, like several studies in the recent literature, employ a Bayesian approach to estimation and inference in models with endogeneity concerns by imposing weaker... -
The Contribution of Structural Break Models to Forecasting Macroeconomic Seri...
This paper compares the forecasting performance of models that have been proposed for forecasting in the presence of structural breaks. They differ in their treatment of the... -
Analysis of Hospital Production: An Output Index Approach (replication data)
In this study, we develop and implement an output index approach to the estimation of hospital cost functions that reflects the differentiated nature of hospital care. The... -
Regression Discontinuity Applications with Rounding Errors in the Running Var...
Many empirical applications of regression discontinuity (RD) models use a running variable that is rounded and hence discrete, e.g.?age in years, or birth weight in ounces. This... -
Missing in Asynchronicity: A Kalman-em Approach for Multivariate Realized Cov...
Motivated by the need for a positive-semidefinite estimator of multivariate realized covariance matrices, we model noisy and asynchronous ultra-high-frequency asset prices in a... -
A Bayesian Semiparametric Competing Risk Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity ...
This paper generalizes existing econometric models for censored competing risks by introducing a new flexible specification based on a piecewise linear baseline hazard,... -
Unraveling the Relationship Between Presidential Approval and the Economy: A ...
Empirical studies analyzing the determinants of US presidential popularity have delivered quite inconclusive results concerning the role of economic variables by assuming linear... -
Identification and Estimation of Engel Curves with Endogenous and Unobserved ...
When dealing with the estimation of Engel curves, measurement errors in expenditure data and simultaneity are likely sources of endogeneity. In this paper we study... -
Visual Attention and Attribute Attendance in Multi-Attribute Choice Experimen...
Decision strategies in multi-attribute choice experiments are investigated using eye-tracking. The visual attention towards, and attendance of, attributes is examined. Stated... -
Hedonic Housing Prices in Paris: An Unbalanced Spatial Lag Pseudo-Panel Model...
This paper estimates a hedonic housing model based on flats sold in the city of Paris over the period 1990-2003. This is done using maximum likelihood estimation, taking into... -
Finding Sensitivity to Scope in Nonmarket Valuation (replication data)
Data limitations frequently prevent using actual consumer behavior in determining natural resource values, so stated preference methods are used. Whether value estimates show... -
Cost and Preference Heterogeneity in Risky Financial Markets (replication data)
This paper estimates the magnitude of participation costs and preference parameters exploiting information on households? participation decisions in the equities market. A... -
DSGE Models in the Frequency Domains (replication data)
We use frequency domain techniques to estimate a medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model on different frequency bands. We show that goodness of fit,... -
Monetary Policy and the Housing Market: A Structural Factor Analysis (replica...
This paper studies the role of the Federal Reserve's policy in the recent boom and bust of the housing market, and in the ensuing recession. By estimating a structural dynamic... -
Do High-Frequency Data Improve High-Dimensional Portfolio Allocations? (repli...
This paper addresses the debate about the usefulness of high-frequency (HF) data in large-scale portfolio allocation. We construct global minimum variance portfolios based on... -
Has the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Affected Mediterranean Business Cycles...
We date turning points of the reference cycle for 19 Mediterranean countries and analyze their structure and interdependencies. Fluctuations are volatile and not highly... -
Is infrastructure capital productive? A dynamic heterogeneous approach (repli...
This paper offers an evaluation of the output contribution of infrastructure. Using a panel time series approach and a large cross-country dataset, the paper estimates a... -
R&D, Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers: A Reappraisal of Bottazzi and P...
Bottazzi and Peri (Economic Journal 2007; 117: 486-511) show the existence of a cointegrating relationship between the domestic stock of knowledge, domestic R&D and the... -
Volatility of Price Indices for Heterogeneous Goods with Applications to the ...
Price indices for heterogeneous goods such as real estate or fine art constitute crucial information for institutional or private investors considering alternative investment... -
Evaluating Point and Density Forecasts of DSGE Models (replication data)
This paper investigates the accuracy of forecasts from four dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models for inflation, output growth and the federal funds rate using a...