Uncovering financial markets' beliefs about inflation targets (replication data)
This paper exploits the term structure of interest rates to develop testable economic restrictions on the joint process of long-term interest rates and inflation when the latter... -
Mixed MNL models for discrete response (replication data)
This paper considers mixed, or random coefficients, multinomial logit (MMNL) models for discrete response, and establishes the following results. Under mild regularity... -
Near unit roots, cointegration, and the term structure of interest rates (rep...
The term structure of interest rates is often modelled as a cointegrated system with the yield spreads forming the cointegrating vectors. Testing whether the yield spreads span... -
Tests for multiple forecast encompassing (replication data)
In the evaluation of economic forecasts, it is frequently the case that comparisons are made between a number of competing predictors. A natural question to ask in such contexts... -
Gender, race, pay and promotion in the British nursing profession: estimation...
We analyse job grading within the UK National Health Service nursing profession, using 1994 survey data. We start from the ordered probit model, for which we develop and apply... -
The cost and technological structure of aluminium smelters worldwide (replica...
A cost model is developed for the estimation of several technological parameters describing the production process of aluminium smelters worldwide. The model is similar to... -
Incomplete information and the time series behaviour of consumption (replicat...
Pischke (1995) uses both microeconomic and macroeconomic US data to test the idea that, within an otherwise standard PIH framework, ignorance by agents of aggregate labour... -
An examination of the dynamic behaviour of local governments using GMM bootst...
Even though recent Monte Carlo evidence has shown that the use of bootstrap critical values, instead of asymptotic ones, improves the size of the tests substantially, empirical... -
Wage differentials across firms: an application of multilevel modelling (repl...
Multilevel modelling techniques are applied to a dataset that matches firms and workers, to pinpoint and explain contrasts among company wage policies. Results indicate that... -
Determining market power exertion between buyers and sellers (replication data)
Empirical techniques commonly used in industrial organization to measure market power exertion typically assume imperfectly competitive behaviour by firms on only one side of... -
Box-Cox quantile regression and the distribution of firm sizes (replication d...
Using the Box-Cox quantile regression model, we analyse the size distribution of firms in Portuguese manufacturing during the 1980s. Specifically, we estimate the effect of... -
Keynesian impulses versus Solow residuals: identifying sources of business cy...
We employ a neoclassical business-cycle model to study two sources of business-cycle fluctuations: marginal efficiency of investment shocks, and total factor productivity... -
Linear household technologies (replication data)
This paper discusses, estimates and formally compares the best known procedures for incorporating demographic variables into complete demand systems. In particular, a class of... -
Union status of young men in Britain: a decade of change (replication data)
Previous empirical studies of individual union status in Britain have been cross-sectional. In contrast, we use longitudinal data from the National Child Development Study, to... -
Scale economies in electricity distribution: a semiparametric analysis (repli...
We estimate the costs of distributing electricity using data on municipal electric utilities in Ontario, Canada for the period 1993-5. The data reveal substantial evidence of... -
Review of GAUSS for Windows, including its numerical accuracy (replication data)
This dataset has no description
Real exchange rate behaviour: evidence from black markets (replication data)
The behaviour of real exchange rates (relative to the US dollar) is examined using monthly data obtained from the black markets for foreign exchange of eight Asian developing... -
An empirical analysis of alternative parametric ARCH models (replication data)
This paper presents empirical evidence on the effectiveness of eight different parametric ARCH models in describing daily stock returns. Twenty-seven years of UK daily data on a... -
Stochastic volatility models: conditional normality versus heavy-tailed distr...
Most of the empirical applications of the stochastic volatility (SV) model are based on the assumption that the conditional distribution of returns, given the latent volatility... -
Business cycle non-linearities in UK consumption and production (replication ...
This paper develops non-linear smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models with two additive smooth transition components to capture the business cycle characteristics of UK...