Olaf Huebler
Born: March 5, 1944
Place of birth: Schönfeld / Schlesien
Nationality: German
Applied Econometrics, Labour Economics
1970 MSc Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt), Free University of Berlin
1974 PhD in Economics (Dr. rer. pol), Technical University of Berlin
1978 Habilitation Thesis, Technical University of Hannover
1970-1975 Research/Teaching Assistant for Public Finance and Undergraduate Economics at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Berlin
1975-1979 Lecturer, Technical University of Hannover
1979-1980 Visiting Research Fellow, Social Science Research Center Berlin
1982-1999 Professor for Econometrics and Statistics, Institute of Quantitative Economic Research, University of Hannover
1995-1996 Call of a Chair for Econometrics, Visiting Professor of Econometrics at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
1999 Visiting Professor at the University of Stirling, Scotland
2000-2011 Professor for Empirical Economic Research and Econometrics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Leibniz University of Hannover
2011 Retirement
Member of the American Economic Association
Member of the Econometric Society
Member of the German Economic Association
Member of the Econometric Research Group of the German Economic Association
Member of the German Statistical Association
Research Fellow, IZA Bonn
Research Fellow at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg
Undergraduate Economics, Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Public Finance, Basics in Mathematics for Economists, Undergraduate and Advanced Statistics, Empirical Economics, Econometrics
Alternative Theorien der Lohnstruktur (Alternative Theories of Wage Structure), German Research Foundation (DFG), 1980-1984 (with K. Gerlach)
Arbeitsplatzwechsel, Diskriminierung und Individualeinkommen (Job Changes, Discrimination and Individual Earnings), DFG, 1984-1988 (with K. Gerlach)
Langfristige Beschäftigung (Long-run Employment), DFG, 1989-1992, (with K. Gerlach)
Erfolgsbeteiligung: Bestimmungsgründe der Einführung und Wirkungen (Profit Sharing: Determinants of Adoption and Effects), DFG, 1992-1995 (with K. Gerlach)
Erfolgreich Produzieren in Niedersachsen – Hannoveraner Firmenpanel (Successful Producing in Lower Saxony – Hannover Firms Panel), VW-Stiftung (Volkswagen Foundation), 1994-1999 (with K. Gerlach)
Innerbetriebliche Anreize, Unternehmensmerkmale und Produktmärkte (Internal Incentives, Firms Characteristics and Product Markets) within the Priority Program “Industrial Economics and Input Markets”), DFG, 1996-2001
Unpaid Work in the Workplace: A comparison of Germany and the UK, Anglo-German-Foundation, 1998-2000 (with D. Bell and R.A. Hart)
Beschäftigungsveränderungen durch Technischen Fortschritt, Weiterbildung und betriebliche Reorganisation (Shifts of Employment by Technical Progress, Training and Internal Reorganisations), Lower Saxon Ministry for Science and Culture, 2000-2002 (with K. Gerlach and W. Meyer)
Studiensituation, Studienfinanzierung und Präferenzen der Studenten an Fachbereichen der Universität Hannover (Situation of Students, Finanial Support and Preferences of Students at Faculties of the University of Hannover, Lower Saxon Ministry of Science and Culture, 2002-2004 (with K. Gerlach and U. Jirjahn)
Beschäftigung zwischen Mobilität und Stabilität im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms „Flexibilisierungspotenziale bei heterogenen Arbeitsmärkten“ (Employment Between Mobility and Stability within the Research Network „Flexibility in Heterogeneous Labour Markets“, DFG, 2004-2010 (with K. Gerlach and G. Stephan)
Applied Economics Letters, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Applied Economics Quarterly, AStA-Journal of the German Statistical Association, Economics and Human Biology, Economics Bulletin, Empirica, Economics Letters, Empirical Economics, Finanzarchiv, German Economic Review, Ifo-Studien, IZA Journal of Labor Economics, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, IZA World of Labor, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Japan and the World Economy, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal for Labour Market Research, Journal of Applied, Konjunkturpolitik, Kyklos, Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Social Science Studies, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Schmalenbach Business Review, Schmollers Jahrbuch, Statistical Papers, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, The World Economy, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vierteljahresschrift für Sozialrecht, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarkt Forschung,