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Victor Bystrov
Viktoriia Naboka
Anna Staszewska-Bystrova
Peter Winker

cross-corpora comparisons of topics and topic trends

Textual data gained relevance as a novel source of information for applied economic research. When considering longer periods or international comparisons, often different text corpora have to be used and combined for the analysis. A methods pipeline is presented for identifying topics in different corpora, matching these topics across corpora and comparing the resulting time series of topic importance. The relative importance of topics over time in a text corpus is used as an additional indicator in econometric models and for forecasting as well as for identifying changing foci of economic studies. The methods pipeline is illustrated using scientific publications from Poland and Germany in English and German for the period 1984 to 2020. As methodological contributions, a novel tool for data based model selection, sBIC, is impelemented, and approaches for mapping of topics of different corpora (including different languages) are presented.

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Suggested Citation

Bystrov, Victor; Naboka, Viktoriia; Staszewska-Bystrova, Anna; Winker, Peter (2022): Cross-corpora comparisons of topics and topic trends. Version: 1. Journal of Economics and Statistics. Dataset.

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