A maximum likelihood bunching estimator of the elasticity of taxable income (...
This paper develops a maximum likelihood (ML) bunching estimator of the elasticity of taxable income (ETI). Our structural approach provides a natural framework to... -
Energy Use Patterns in German Manufacturing from 2003 to 2017 replication data
The manufacturing sector accounts for a substantial share of the German gross domestic product, employment and carbon emissions. Therefore, reducing its energy use and carbon... -
New Evidence on the Importance of Instruction Time for Student Achievement on...
This dataset has no description
The impact of product and labour market reform on growth: Evidence for OECD c...
We examine the impact of labour and product market reforms on economic growth in 25 OECD countries between 1985 and 2013, and tests whether this impact is conditioned by the... -
Real estate agents influence on housing search (replication data)
This paper investigates different mechanisms for real estate agents? influence in housing search. Using residential listing data, I find descriptive evidence suggesting an... -
Are there no wage returns to compulsory schooling in Germany? A reassessment ...
This study replicates and challenges the finding of zero wage returns to compulsory schooling in Germany by Pischke and von Wachter (Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(3),... -
A one covariate at a time, multiple testing approach to variable selection in...
Chudik, Kapetanios, & Pesaran (Econometrica 2018, 86, 1479-1512) propose a one covariate at a time, multiple testing (OCMT) approach to variable selection in... -
Did Protestantism promote prosperity via higher human capital? Replicating th...
This paper shows that the Becker-Woessmann reformulation of the Weber thesis-Protestants were more prosperous in 19th-century Prussia because they had higher human capital-is... -
Early child development and parents' labor supply (replication data)
The impact of children's early development status on parental labor market outcomes is not well established in the empirical literature. We combine an instrumental variable... -
The price of forced attendance (replication data)
We draw on a discontinuity at a large university, wherein second-year students with a low first-year grade point average are allocated to a full year of forced, frequent, and... -
Who benefits from privileged peers? Evidence from siblings in schools (replic...
By comparing siblings attending the same school at different points in time, we investigate whether the effect of peer quality on long-term labor market outcomes varies with... -
Estimation of average treatment effects using panel data when treatment effec...
This paper proposes a new panel data approach to identify and estimate the time-varying average treatment effect (ATE). The approach allows for treatment effect heterogeneity... -
Measurement error in discrete health facility choice models: An example from ...
We use individual-level health facility choice data from urban Senegal to estimate consumer preferences for facility characteristics related to maternal health services. We find... -
Measuring mortgage credit availability: A frontier estimation approach (repli...
We construct a new measure of mortgage credit availability using a technique developed for production frontier estimation. The resulting loan frontier describes the maximum... -
Estimation of linear dynamic panel data models with time‐invariant regressors...
We present a sequential approach to estimating a dynamic Hausman-Taylor model. We first estimate the coefficients of the time-varying regressors and subsequently regress the... -
A robust approach to estimating production functions: Replication of the ACF ...
We study Ackerberg, Caves, and Frazer's (Econometrica, 2015, 83, 2411-2451; hereafter ACF) production function estimation method using Monte Carlo simulations. First, we... -
Estimating within‐cluster spillover effects using a cluster randomization wit...
Spillover effects within randomized clusters pose a challenge for identifying impacts of an individualized treatment. The paper proposes a solution. Longitudinal and... -
Girls and boys: Economic crisis, fertility, and birth outcomes (replication d...
We investigate the impact of an economic downturn on natality and birth weight for newborns when parents prefer sons. We examine South Korea, unexpectedly hit by the Asian... -
How important are fixed effects and time trends in estimating returns to scho...
A substantial and rapidly growing literature has developed around estimating earnings gains from 2-year college degrees using administrative data. These papers almost... -
Ancestry and development: New evidence (replication data)
We revisit the relationship between ancestral distance and barriers to the diffusion of development by replicating previous results with a new genomic dataset on human...