economy 4.0 -digitalisation and its effects on wage inequality (replication data)

This readme file provides basic information on the data set used in
Mönnig, A., Maier, T. and Zika, G. (forthcoming), Economy 4.0 -Digitalisation and its Effects on Wage Inequality, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik.

The macroeconometric input-output-model is based on the following two main datasets of the national accounts:
- Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen Inlandsproduktrechnung Fachserie 18 Reihe 1.4 (Stand August 2015)
- Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen Input-Output-Tabellen 2000, 2008-2011 Fachserie 18 Reihe 2.0
both datasets are free for download

The employment data on occupation and qualification are from the following two sources:
- Microcensus
- SIAB databank
both databanks are confidential, but not exclusive.
See for the microcensus and for the SIAB databank.

With the data sets of national accounts, an I-O-model that comes close to the one we used is programmable. However, without the microcensus and the SIAB database,
the labour market will not be able to function likewise, and thus a major influencing factor will be missing.

Since data compilation, database creation and data linking are part of our business concept, we cannot disclose this work within the scope of this publication.
Please refer to the given literature for detailed information on the construction of the I-O-model (especially Ahlert et al. 2009 for a very detailed discription).

Large structural models as used in this paper can only be solved with specific software. We use the software licenced by University of Maryland (

The projected data from the economy 4.0 scenario can be viewed and downloaded from the QuBe dataportal:

Wage data in aggregated form is given in the Annex II of the article (see Table 8).

Do-files included are:
- to calculate wage inequality

Data and Resources

Suggested Citation

Mönnig, Anke; Maier, Tobias; Zika, Gerd (2019): Economy 4.0 -Digitalisation and its Effects on Wage Inequality (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Economics and Statistics. Dataset.

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