The performance of merging cooperative banks in Germany
Motivated by the recent increase in bank mergers, this paper examines the performance of German cooperative banks that merged between 2014 and 2019. We are particularly... -
A Re-Consideration of Money Demand Theory
Portfolio models typically ignore precautionary transactions demands for liquid assets, and models of precautionary demands typically ignore asset rate-of-return risk. If... -
Intergenerational scars: The impact of parental unemployment on individual he...
This paper studies whether individuals that experienced parental unemployment during their childhood/early adolescence have poorer health once they reach the adulthood. We used... -
Trade uncertainty, economic policy uncertainty and shipping costs
We examine how trade and policy uncertainty affect shipping freight rates, using a Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) model. Trade uncertainty has a strong effect on shipping... -
Progressive Taxation and Social Welfare: Quantifying the Effects of the "Germ...
The German “Tax-Reform 2000” involved a strong reduction in the progressivity of labor income taxation. It led to a rise in overall labor income, but also increased income... -
Unraveling the Productivity Paradox: Evidence for Germany
Despite massive digitization efforts, the German economy has experienced a marked slowdown in its productivity growth. This paper empirically analyzes three prominent... -
Regional Industrial Effects in Germany from a Potential Gas Deficit
We estimate potential regional industrial effects in case of a threatening gas deficit. For Germany, the reduction leads to a potential decrease in industrial value added by... -
Retained Earnings, Foreign Portfolio Ownership, and the German Current Accoun...
In some countries, a sizable fraction of savings is derived from corporate savings. Although larger, traded corporations are often co-owned by foreign portfolio investors,... -
Regional Supply and Demand Fundamentals in the German Housing Price Boom
Over the last decade, German housing prices have increased unprecedentedly. Drawing on quality-adjusted housing price data at the district level, we show that regional... -
Corona and the Cross: Religious Affiliation, Church Bans, and Covid Infections
We examine the effectiveness of church service bans in containing the spread of Covid-19 in Germany. We furthermore investigate how differences in the local religious... -
The instability of the market for government bonds in the EMU
The introduction of the Transmission Protection Instrument is the latest evidence, that the EMU is confronted with unstable markets for government bonds. Based on a parsimonious... -
The Impact of the German Fuel Discount on Prices at the Petrol Pump
This paper investigates the price impact of the fuel discount in Germany, which was introduced between June and August 2022 to partially compensate increased energy costs. Using... -
Interest Rate Persistence and Monetary Policy Rule in Light of Model Uncertainty
We study how model uncertainty affects the understanding of the interest rate persistence using a generalized Taylor-rule function covering numerous submodels via model average... -
Extreme weather events and economic activity: The case of low water levels on...
We make use of historical data on water levels on the Rhine river to analyze the impact of weather-related supply shocks on economic activity in Germany. Our analysis shows that... -
Good Bye Lenin Revisited: East-West Preferences Three Decades After German Re...
In this paper, we document that living under Communism vs. Capitalism has lasting effects on preferences for a strong government. Relying on the natural experiment of German... -
How do people discount over spatial distance?
This paper studies how individuals discount the utility they derive from their provision of goods over spatial distance. In a controlled laboratory experiment in Germany, we... -
Team performance and the perception of being observed: experimental evidence ...
We exploit the natural experimental setting provided by the Covid-19 lockdown to analyse how performance is affected by a friendly audience. Specifically, we use data on all... -
The gender division of unpaid care work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in G...
The COVID-19 pandemic and related closures of day care centres and schools significantly increased the amount of care work done by parents. There has been much speculation over... -
Thinning out Spectators: Did Football Matches Contribute to the Second COVID-...
The COVID-19 pandemic has decelerated substantial parts of economic and human interaction. This paper estimates football matches’ contribution to the spread of COVID-19 during... -
Economic complexity and productivity polarization: evidence from Italian prov...
In this paper, we analyze the role of economic complexity as a driver of regional labor productivity growth in Italy. The Economic Complexity Index (ECI) measures the... -
Too Much of a Good Thing? Households’ Macroeconomic Conditions and Credit Dyn...
Favorable macroeconomic conditions, accompanied by optimistic consumer confidence, can stimulate and shape households' expectations in such a way that they gradually extrapolate... -
Missing growth measurement in Germany
Using detailed establishment-level micro data, this paper analyzes for the German case the hypothesis by Aghion et al. (2019), stating that officially published figures for real... -
On the effects of e-participation on shadow economy: A worldwide empirical an...
This paper explores the relationship between the e-participation attitude of citizens and the size of the shadow economy, whose consequences could be detrimental to countries’... -
Market structure and horizontal growth strategies – a case study of the conta...
This article aims to review the structural transformation in the container shipping industry from 1995 to 2020 and identify the growth strategies of global carriers to enhance... -
Immigration and anti-immigrant voting in the 2017 German parliamentary election
We empirically examine the relationship between immigration and votes for the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in the 2017 German parliamentary election. We conduct a... -
The Estimation of Reaction Functions under Tax Competition
Most of the empirical literature on tax competition has been using panel models in which each country's tax rate responds to a weighted average of other countries' tax rates,... -
A macro-level analysis of language learning and migration
This article investigates the macro-level drivers of adult-age language learning with a focus on migration based on a new dataset on German language learning in 77 countries... -
“Thanks in Advance” - the Negative Effect of a Polite Phrase on Compliance wi...
This paper studies the effect of the commonly used phrase "thanks in advance" on compliance with a small request. In a controlled laboratory experiment we ask participants to... -
Sudden Stop: When Did Firms Anticipate the Potential Consequences of COVID-19?
COVID-19 hit firms by surprise. In a high frequency, representative panel of German firms, the business outlook declined and business uncertainty increased only at the time when... -
A direct measure of subjective business uncertainty
We present an uncertainty measure that is based on a business survey in which uncertainty is captured directly by a qualitative question on subjective uncertainty regarding... -
Nudging Openly - An Experimental Analysis of Nudge Transparency in a Public G...
Around the world, policy makers and public authorities are increasingly turning to behaviorally informed interventions (“nudges”) in order to help tackle important contexts of... -
The Effects of Financing Rules in Pay-As-You-Go Pension Systems on the Life a...
Empirically, revenues of public pension systems are more volatile than expenditures. Therefore, the question arises how the social security authority should buffer its revenues... -
Après-ski: The Spread of Coronavirus from Ischgl through Germany
The Austrian ski resort of Ischgl is commonly claimed to be ground zero for the diffusion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the first wave of infections experienced by Germany. Drawing... -
Triplets, Quads and Quints: Estimating Disaggregate Trade Elasticities with D...
Trade elasticities are a crucial variable for research on international trade. Caliendo and Parro (2015) provide a novel method to estimate trade elasticities which is based on... -
Quality of Politicians and Electoral System. Evidence from a Quasi-experiment...
We study the effect of the electoral system on the quality of politicians, measured by the average educational attainment, at the local level in Italy over the period 1994-2017.... -
Trade and the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from the German Empire
What effect did trade have on the size distribution of firms during the first wave of globalization? Three historical datasets from the German Empire between 1875 and 1907 were... -
The Benefits of Remoteness - Digital Mobility Data, Regional Road Infrastruct...
We investigate the regional distribution of the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany. We use a novel digital mobility dataset, that traces the undertaken trips on Easter Sunday 2020 and... -
Income-(in)dependent equivalence scales and inequality measurement
Most equivalence scales that are applied in research on inequality do not depend on income, even though there is strong empirical evidence that equivalence scales are actually... -
In-group, out-group effects in distributional preferences: the case of gender
We examine gender differences when eliciting distributional preferences as conducted by the Equality Equivalence Test, which has the ability to classify subjects into... -
Do Political Parties Matter? - Evidence from German Municipalities
We assess whether the partisanship of local councils affects the level and composition of local public spending by German municipalities. Our identification strategy exploits... -
Shadow Banks and the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in t...
We provide evidence for a risk-taking channel of monetary policy transmission in the euro area that works through an increase in shadow banks' total asset growth and their risk... -
Does Retail Trading Matter to Price Discovery?
The diminishing importance of retail investors and the institutionalization of markets are arguably a result of the general perception that individuals are not well informed... -
Projecting the Spread of COVID19 for Germany
We model the evolution of the number of individuals reported sick with COVID-19 in Germany. Our theoretical framework builds on a continuous time Markov chain with four states:... -
German Labour Market Data—Data Provision and Access for the International Sci...
The Research Data Centre at the Institute for Employment Research (RDC-IAB) has been offering high-quality administrative and survey data on the German labour market for 15... -
Parity Funding of Health Care Contributions in Germany: A DSGE Perspective
Germany reintroduced parity funding of the statutory health insurance scheme in January 2019 by lowering the contribution rates for employees and raising those for employers,... -
Country-Specific Euro Area Government Bond Yield Reactions to ECB's Non-Stand...
This paper employs event study methods to evaluate the effects of ECB's non-standard monetary policy program announcements on 10-year government bond yields of 11 euro area... -
Different Counselors, Many Options: Career Guidance and Career Plans in Secon...
Career guidance assists students with the school-to-work transition. Based on a survey conducted in secondary schools in Germany, we analyze career guidance activities and how... -
Political affiliation in post-parliamentary careers in Italian public enterpr...
It has long been recognized that the presence of politicians on the boards of directors of public firms may create inefficiencies. Nevertheless, research has so far neglected... -
Credit allocation in heterogeneous banking systems
World banking systems are almost invariably populated by relatively diverse financial institutions. This paper studies the operation of credit markets where heterogeneous banks... -
In search of an appropriate lower bound. The zero lower bound vs. the positiv...
Using a standard New Keynesian model, we show that moderate side effects of zero lower bound (ZLB) policy suffice for positive lower bound (PLB) policy to pay off in terms of...