Informing DSGE models through dynamic factor models (replication data)
Replication files for the paper "Informing DSGE models through dynamic factor models", by Mario Forni, Luca Gambetti, Marco Lippi and Luca Sala. Please unzip the file and read... -
The performance of merging cooperative banks in Germany
Motivated by the recent increase in bank mergers, this paper examines the performance of German cooperative banks that merged between 2014 and 2019. We are particularly... -
Talent allocation in European football leagues: why competitive imbalance may...
Readme file for Garcia-del-Barrio, P., & Reade, J. J. (2024). "Talent allocation in European football leagues: why competitive imbalance may be optimal?". Jahrbücher für... -
Is Blood Thicker than Water? The Impact of Player Agencies on Player Salaries...
In this article, we analyze how different representation models of professional football players affect their salaries in salary negotiations. We distinguish between... -
Dynamic Mixture Vector Autoregressions with Score-Driven Weights (replication...
Dataset for "Dynamic mixture vector autoregressions with score-driven weights" by Dennis Umlandt, Matthias Neuenkirch and Alexander Georges Gretener (Journal of Applied... -
Interacting treatments with endogenous takeup (replication data)
Replication data and software code in R format for replicating the empirical results in the paper "Interacting Treatments with Endogenous Takeup" by Máté Kormos, Robert P.... -
Modelling volatility cycles: the MF2-GARCH model (replication data)
We propose a novel multiplicative factor multi-frequency GARCH (MF2-GARCH) model, which exploits the empirical fact that the daily standardized forecast errors of one-component... -
A Re-Consideration of Money Demand Theory
Portfolio models typically ignore precautionary transactions demands for liquid assets, and models of precautionary demands typically ignore asset rate-of-return risk. If... -
Belief shocks and implications of expectations about growth-at-risk (replicat...
Replication files for 'Belief Shocks and Implications of Expectations about Growth-at-Risk" in the Journal of Applied Econometrics by Maximilian Boeck and Michael Pfarrhofer.... -
Difference-in-differences with a misclassified treatment (replication data)
Replication files for the article "Difference-in-differences with a misclassified treatment" by Akanksha Negi and Digivijay S. Negi, published in the Journal of Applied... -
The Stability of the Global Wheat Trade in the Post-Soviet Space (replication...
Trade data used for duration study from UN Comtrade and Trade Map -
Dynamic effects of persistent shocks (replication data)
This package replicates the paper Alloza, Gonzalo and Sanz (2024). “Dynamic Effects of Persistent Shocks”. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Contact details: Mario Alloza... -
Intergenerational scars: The impact of parental unemployment on individual he...
This paper studies whether individuals that experienced parental unemployment during their childhood/early adolescence have poorer health once they reach the adulthood. We used... -
Trade uncertainty, economic policy uncertainty and shipping costs
We examine how trade and policy uncertainty affect shipping freight rates, using a Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) model. Trade uncertainty has a strong effect on shipping... -
Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts (replicatio...
Replication files for article "Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts" by Malte Knueppel and Andreea L. Vladu, published in the Journal of Applied... -
Minimum wages and teenage childbearing in the United States (replication data)
Dataset for “Minimum wages and teenage childbearing in the United States” by Joseph J. Sabia, Rebecca Margolit, Daniel I. Rees and Kyutaro Matsuzawa (Journal of Applied... -
Macroeconomic responses to uncertainty shocks: the perils of recursive orderi...
Dataset for “Macroeconomic responses to uncertainty shocks: the perils of recursive orderings” by Lutz Kilian, Michael D. Plante, and Alexander W. Richter (Journal of Applied... -
Exchange rates, uncovered interest parity and time-varying Fama regressions (...
This online resource accompanies the Journal of Applied Econometrics article "Exchange Rates, Uncovered Interest Parity And Time-Varying Fama Regressions" by Bowen Fu, Mengheng... -
Standard Errors for Difference-in-Difference Regression (replication data)
All replication code for the above paper. This includes general-purpose R and Stata code, all simulation code, all empirical data sets, and R and Stata code to replicate the... -
Identifying the sources of the slowdown in growth: demand versus supply (repl...
Dataset for “Identifying the sources of the slowdown in growth: demand versus supply” by Nicolò Maffei-Faccioli (Journal of Applied Econometrics)