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Economy 4.0 -Digitalisation and its Effects on Wage Inequality (replication d...
This readme file provides basic information on the data set used in Mönnig, A., Maier, T. and Zika, G. (forthcoming), Economy 4.0 -Digitalisation and its Effects on Wage... -
Economic Policy Uncertainty in the Euro Area: Cross-Country Spillovers and Ma...
This package contains the program codes and data files necessary to replicate the results of the spillover analysis in Economic Policy Uncertainty in the Euro Area:... -
Unemployment Compensation and Wages: A Difference-in-Differences Approach to ...
This paper examines the influence of the level of unemployment assistance (Arbeitslosengeld II) on the wage level by exploiting a quasi-natural experiment formed by the German... -
Revisiting the Euro’s Trade Cost and Welfare Effects (replication data)
Code and description of datasets for replication -
Does the Deregulation of Ocupational Licensing affect vocational Training in ...
The European Commission actively evaluates occupational entry restrictions in all member states. This has attracted a growing interest among scholars of the German crafts sector... -
Job Mobility and Sorting: Theory and Evidence (replication data)
Motivated by the canonical (random) on-the-job search model, I measure a person’s ability to sort into higher ranked jobs by the risk ratio of job-to-job transitions to... -
Replication Data for Pfeifer/Weche "Temporary agency work and firm performance"
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Staff Rotation as an Anti-Corruption Policy in China and in Germany: An Exper...
We conducted bribery experiments in China and in Germany to analyze the effect of staff rotation on corruption. After being bribed, Chinese and German subjects in the role of... -
Characteristics contributing to low- and minimum-wage labour in Germany
In this article we examine the correlation between characteristics of individuals, companies, and industries involved in low-wage labour in Germany and the risks workers face of... -
The German minimum wage: effects on productivity, profitability, and investments
In this article, we analyze the effects of the introduction of the German minimum wage using difference-in-differences estimations applied to the IAB Establishment Panel. The... -
Market Income Inequality and its Impact on Crime in Germany (replication data)
Economic theory predicts a positive effect of an increase in income inequality on the prevalence of crime, but the international empirical evidence is mixed. For Germany,... -
Data access and supplement materials in Genz, Janser, and Lehmer (2019)
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Twenty Years of ECB Monetary Policy (replication data)
This is the data archive for the article by Ad van Riet on "Twenty Years of European Central Bank Monetary Policy: A Keynesian and Austrian Perspective", published in the... -
Do German Works Councils Counter or Foster the Implementation of Digital Tech...
As works councils’ information, consultation and co-determination rights affect the decision process of the management, works councils play a key role in the implementation of... -
The CAPM with Measurement Error: "There's life in the old dog yet!" Replicati...
The replication data contain MATLAB and GAUSS codes as well as the data required for replication of the results from the paper 1. Monte Carlo Simulation: Contains codes and data... -
A Note on the Decline of Collective Bargaining Coverage (replication)
Description of data and code -
Industrial Relations
Replication information for "The German Model of Industrial Relations: (Where) Does it still exist?" by Oberfichtner, Michael & Schnabel, Claus -
Regulating speculative housing markets (simulation code)
Simulation code for the paper “Regulating speculative housing markets via public housing construction programs: Insights from a heterogeneous agent model” by Carolin Martin and... -
Voluntary Quits: Do Works Councils Matter? (replication data)
Most of the literature on the effects of German works councils does not deal with the issue of potential endogeneity of works council existence. Exploiting exogenous variation...