Institutional hypothesis of the long-run income velocity of money and paramet...
It has recently been argued that when the conventional specification of M2 income velocity is extended to include proxies for two types of institutional change, as emphasized by... -
Maximum likelihood estimation of a GARCH-stable model (replication data)
Maximum likelihood is used to estimate a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) process where the residuals have a conditional stable distribution... -
Heterogeneity biases, distributional effects, and aggregate consumption: An e...
Using stratified microdata from the Canadian FAMEX (78-86) surveys, this paper investigates whether observed heterogeneity in marginal propensities to consume across strata... -
Spectral tests of the martingale hypothesis for exchange rates (replication d...
A new family of spectral shape tests was proposed recently by Durlauf (1991) for testing the martingale hypothesis. Unlike the widely used variance ratio test, spectral shape... -
A simple and efficient method for estimating the magnitude and precision of w...
In this article we propose a simple and efficient method of estimating welfare measures in an n-equation system. We also estimate the variance of these measures. The accuracy... -
Alternative procedures for converting qualitative response data to quantitati...
This paper analyses and extends alternative procedures for converting qualitative expectations responses to quantitative expectations. A number of conversion procedures is... -
A nonlinear approach to US GNP (replication data)
A univariate nonlinear model is estimated for US GNP that on many criteria outperforms standard linear models. The estimated model is of the threshold autoregressive type and... -
Testing for homogeneity in demand systems when the regressors are nonstationa...
An implication of optimizing theory is that demand functions are homogeneous of degree zero in prices and nominal income. Evidence based on estimations of demand systems has... -
The distribution of personal income: Revisited (replication data)
In a recent paper, Majumder and Chakravarty (1990) propose a four-parameter model which they find provides a better fit to some income data than the lognormal, gamma,... -
Semi-parametric estimation of simultaneous equations with limited dependent v...
We propose a general strategy to estimate semi-parametrically simultaneous equations with limited dependent variables. First, each reduced form (RF) is estimated with various... -
Forecasting in cointegrated systems (replication data)
We consider the implications for forecast accuracy of imposing unit roots and cointegrating restrictions in linear systems of I(1) variables in levels, differences, and... -
Convergence in international output (replication data)
This paper proposes and tests new definitions of convergence and common trends for per capita output. We define convergence for a group of countries to mean that each country... -
Cointegration tests of present value models with a time-varying discount fact...
The paper analyses the impact of persistence and volatility in the discount rate in present-value models on cointegration tests in levels and in logarithms. In simulations we... -
Separability test for the electricity supply industry (replication data)
This paper examines the vertical integration issue of the electricity industry. This industry is typically vertically integrated and heavily regulated. The paper investigates... -
Labour-use efficiency in Swedish social insurance offices (replication data)
This paper considers the estimation of frontier production functions in panel data models. It proposes a multi-stage method to obtain estimates of (1) the parameters of a... -
Efficiency in the provision of university teaching and research: An empirical...
A flexible three-output, two-input cost function model is used to examine the cost efficiency of UK universities as producers of teaching and research outputs. Unlike previous... -
Certificate-of-need regulation and the diffusion of innovations: A random coe...
In this paper, we examine empirically the effect that certificate-of-need regulation by state health planning organizations has had on the speed of diffusion of a relatively new... -
Nonnegativity constraints and intratemporal uncertainty in a multi-good life-...
In the standard multi-good life-cycle consumption model (with intertemporal additive utility) the intratemporal relations between the marginal utilities of the different goods... -
Cyclical properties of a real business cycle model (replication data)
This paper tests the well-known real business cycle model of Kydland and Prescott (1988), using spectral methods for linear filters. Model spectra, coherencies, phase shifts,... -
Testing the implications of long-run neutrality for monetary business cycle m...
This paper compares sample fluctuations of the US business cycle with those predicted by a class of equilibrium monetary business cycle models. The predictions of the models are...