Fast and order-invariant inference in Bayesian VARs with non-parametric shock...
The shocks which hit macroeconomic models such as Vector Autoregressions (VARs) have the potential to be non-Gaussian, exhibiting asymmetries and fat tails. This consideration... -
The boosted HP filter is more general than you might think (replication data)
Here we provide the data and code that accompanies "The boosted HP filter is more general than you might think" by Ziwei Mei, Peter C. B. Phillips and Zhentao Shi. Published in... -
Heterogeneous autoregressions in short T panel data models (replication data)
This paper considers a first-order autoregressive panel data model with individual-specific effects and heterogeneous autoregressive coefficients defined on the interval (-1,1],... -
Retained Earnings, Foreign Portfolio Ownership, and the German Current Accoun...
In some countries, a sizable fraction of savings is derived from corporate savings. Although larger, traded corporations are often co-owned by foreign portfolio investors,... -
A Matter of Values: On The Link between Economic Performance and Schwartz Hum...
The European Social Survey data from the 9th round is used. The original source file ESS9e02.dta is available on the ESS website. The following files are attached:... -
Medical marijuana legalization and parenting behaviors (replication data)
Data and replication information for “Medical marijuana legalization and parenting behaviors: An analysis of the time use of parents” (Jun Hyung Kim and Cynthia Bansak),... -
Explaining the decline of China's labor share: A wide replication of Oberfiel...
Data and replication information for "Explaining the decline of China's labor share: A wide replication of Oberfield & Raval (2021)" by Wen Zhang and Hong Yang, published in... -
The Effect of plough agriculture on gender roles: A machine learning approach...
Data and replication code for "The effect of plough agriculture on gender roles: A machine learning approach" by Anna Baiardi and Andrea A. Naghi, published in Journal of... -
The propagation of business expectations within the European Union (replicati...
Data sets employed in the paper "The propagation of business expectations within the European Union" by Anja Sebbesen and Harald Oberhofer. Published in Journal of Applied... -
The US structural transformation and regional convergence: Racial heterogenei...
Data and replication materials for "The US structural transformation and regional convergence: Racial heterogeneity" by Minki Kim and Munseob Lee. Published in Journal of... -
News or animal spirits? Consumer confidence and economic activity: Redux (rep...
Barsky and Sims (2012, AER) demonstrated, via indirect inference, that confidence innovations can be viewed as noisy signals about medium-term economic growth. They highlighted... -
Quantiles of the gain distribution of an early childhood intervention (replic...
Data and replication materials for "Quantiles of the gain distribution of an early childhood intervention" by Erich Battistin, Carlos Lamarche and Enrico Rettore. Published in... -
Trends in U.S.Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists. A Replication Study...
Summary: These codes replicate Autor et al. (2008) and extend their analysis through 2022. Findings: The extension to an additional 17 years of analysis underscores the... -
Robots at work? Pitfalls of industry level data (replication data)
Replication material for "Robots at work? Pitfalls of industry level data" by Karim Bekhtiar, Benjamin Bittschi and Richard Sellner. Published in Journal of Applied... -
The stability and economic relevance of output gap estimates (replication data)
This archive contains the replication package for the paper "The stability and economic relevance of output gap estimates" by Alessandro Barbarino, Travis Berge and Andrea... -
Migration, Diversity, and Economic Growth. A Replication Study of Bove and El...
A recent and well known paper, Bove and Elia (2017), argues that migrants' diversity, as captured by the indexes of both fractionalization and polarization, exerts a positive... -
Nowcasting euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises (replicati...
Replication data for Ashwin et al (2024) Nowcasting euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises. Data and code for the paper is also available on Julian Ashwins... -
Time Scales of the Low-Carbon Transition - Data Sources and Sample Code
This ZIP file contains a readme.pdf, data sources, and sample code used for the paper "Time Scales of the Low-Carbon Transition". -
How does monetary policy affect income and wealth inequality? Evidence from q...
This paper evaluates the impact of quantitative easing on income and wealth of individual euro area households. We first estimate the aggregate effects of a QE shock, identified... -
Constructing density forecasts from quantile regressions: Multimodality in ma...
Quantile regression methods are increasingly used to forecast tail risks and uncertainties in macroeconomic outcomes. This paper reconsiders how to construct predictive...