Time‐varying income elasticities of healthcare expenditure for the OECD and E...
We propose a panel data model for nonstationary variables with interactive fixed effects and coefficients that may vary over time and use it to examine time variation in the... -
Supply flexibility in the shale patch: Evidence from North Dakota (replicatio...
This paper provides new results to the literature, showing that output flexibility in oil production depends on the extraction technology. In particular, constructing a novel... -
Efficient minimum distance estimation of Pareto exponent from top income shar...
We propose an efficient estimation method for the income Pareto exponent when only certain top income shares are observable. Our estimator is based on the asymptotic theory of... -
Early child development and parents' labor supply (replication data)
The impact of children's early development status on parental labor market outcomes is not well established in the empirical literature. We combine an instrumental variable... -
The price of forced attendance (replication data)
We draw on a discontinuity at a large university, wherein second-year students with a low first-year grade point average are allocated to a full year of forced, frequent, and... -
Dynamic shrinkage in time‐varying parameter stochastic volatility in mean mod...
Successful forecasting models strike a balance between parsimony and flexibility. This is often achieved by employing suitable shrinkage priors that penalize model complexity... -
Social interactions and social preferences in social networks (replication data)
We study social interactions when individuals hold altruistic preferences in social networks. Rich network features can be captured in the resulting best response function. The... -
Fueling conflict? (De)escalation and bilateral aid (replication data)
This paper studies the effects of bilateral foreign aid on conflict escalation and deescalation. First, we develop a new ordinal measure capturing the two-sided and multifaceted... -
Measuring the slowly evolving trend in US inflation with professional forecas...
Much research studies US inflation history with a trend-cycle model with unobserved components, where the trend may be viewed as the Fed's evolving inflation target or... -
Nonlinear effects of government spending shocks in the USA: Evidence from sta...
This paper uses state-level data to estimate the effect of government spending shocks during expansions and recessions. By employing a mixed-frequency framework, we are able to... -
Common correlated effect cross‐sectional dependence corrections for nonlinear...
This paper provides an approach to estimation and inference for nonlinear conditional mean panel data models, in the presence of cross-sectional dependence. We modify Pesaran's... -
Cointegration and control: Assessing the impact of events using time series d...
Control groups can provide counterfactual evidence for assessing the impact of an event or policy change on a target variable. We argue that fitting a multivariate time series... -
Real‐time detection of regimes of predictability in the US equity premium (re...
We propose new real-time monitoring procedures for the emergence of end-of-sample predictive regimes using sequential implementations of standard (heteroskedasticity-robust)... -
Robust political economy correlates of major product and labor market reforms...
The political economy literature has put forward a multitude of hypotheses regarding the drivers of structural reforms, but few, if any, empirically robust findings have emerged... -
Reevaluating the prudence of economic forecasts in the EU: The role of instru...
Christodoulakis and Mamatzakis (2009, Journal of Applied Econometrics 24, pp. 583-606) estimate the EU Commission loss preferences for selected economic forecasts of 12 EU... -
Estimation and inference for spatial models with heterogeneous coefficients: ...
This paper considers the estimation and inference of spatial panel data models with heterogeneous spatial lag coefficients, with and without weakly exogenous regressors, and... -
Average treatment effects for stayers with correlated random coefficient mode...
Correlated random coefficient (CRC) models provide a useful framework for estimating average treatment effects (ATE) with panel data by accommodating heterogeneous treatment... -
Fixed effects demeaning in the presence of interactive effects in treatment e...
The present paper shows that cross-section demeaning with respect to time fixed effects is more useful than commonly appreciated, in that it enables consistent and... -
Testing for correlation in error‐component models (replication data)
This paper concerns linear models for grouped data with group-specific effects. We construct a portmanteau test for the null of no within-group correlation beyond that induced... -
Testing for overconfidence statistically: A moment inequality approach (repli...
We propose a moment inequality approach to test for the presence of overconfidence using data from ranking experiments where subjects rank themselves relative to other...