Harmonization of product classifications: A consistent time series of economi...
Firm-product data provide information for various research questions in international trade or innovation economics. However, working with these data require harmonizing product... -
Corona and the Cross: Religious Affiliation, Church Bans, and Covid Infections
We examine the effectiveness of church service bans in containing the spread of Covid-19 in Germany. We furthermore investigate how differences in the local religious... -
What does the German minimum wage do? The impact of the introduction of the s...
In this article, we examine structural changes in minimum wage and low wage labor following the in-troduction and first increase of the German minimum wage. Changes in the... -
Sectoral slowdowns in the UK: Evidence from transmission probabilities and ec...
This folder contains MATLAB and R software and data to accompany the paper "Sectoral slowdowns in the UK: Evidence from transmission probabilities and economic linkages" by... -
Reassessing growth vulnerability (replication data)
This paper replicates the results of Adrian et al. (2019) that GDP growth volatility is mainly driven by the lower quantiles of the distribution which is predicted by the... -
German Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Recent Microdata
In this paper, we zoom in on the firm level of German merchandise foreign trade, using a novel data base with information on the export and import value by firm, country,... -
Heterogeneous responses to corporate marginal tax rates: Evidence from small ...
Do small and large firms respond differently to tax cuts? Using new narrative measures of the exogenous variation in corporate marginal tax rates and a unique dataset of U.S.... -
Was Harold Zurcher myopic after all? Replicating Rust's engine replacement es...
Rust (1987) studies the dynamic decision making under uncertainty made by Harold Zurcher to replace bus engines. In the decades since, the model has been applied, extended, and... -
Entrepreneurs and Managers in the NSDAP
Membership in the NSDAP can be interpreted as an important indicator for giving formal approval to the Nazi regime. Here we present the data set by which we analysed the... -
Minimum Wage Effects on Job Attachment: A Gender Perspective ‘(replication data)
Readme and STATA codes for replicating the results in "Minimum wage effects on job attachment: A gender perspective" by Eva Garcia-Moran, Ming-Jin Jiang, and Heiko Rachinger. -
Monetary policy and exchange rate anomalies in set-identified SVARs: Revisite...
Replication files for all models, figures and tables in the main paper and in the online appendix. -
Energy Use Patterns in German Manufacturing from 2003 to 2017 replication data
The manufacturing sector accounts for a substantial share of the German gross domestic product, employment and carbon emissions. Therefore, reducing its energy use and carbon... -
Identifying exchange rate effects and spillovers of U.S. monetary policy shoc...
We propose a novel econometric approach to estimating time-varying policy effects using external instruments in the presence of time-varying instrument relevance in a... -
A direct approach to Kilian--Lewis style counterfactual analysis in VAR model...
This paper proposes a direct approach to Kilian--Lewis style counterfactual analysis in structural VAR models. The proposed approach is easy to implement, and the procedure of... -
Approximating grouped fixed effects estimation via fuzzy clustering regressio...
We propose a new, computationally efficient way to approximate the “grouped fixed effects” (GFE) estimator of Bonhomme and Manresa (2015), which estimates grouped patterns of... -
Employment reconciliation and nowcasting (replication data)
We construct a latent employment estimate for the U.S. which both reconciles the information from separate payroll and household surveys, and incorporates the preliminary data... -
The instability of the market for government bonds in the EMU
The introduction of the Transmission Protection Instrument is the latest evidence, that the EMU is confronted with unstable markets for government bonds. Based on a parsimonious... -
The Impact of the German Fuel Discount on Prices at the Petrol Pump
This paper investigates the price impact of the fuel discount in Germany, which was introduced between June and August 2022 to partially compensate increased energy costs. Using... -
Does early educational tracking contribute to gender gaps in test achievement...
The files contain all the information needed to download data an make use of the code. More information can be found in the read.me.file Abstract: On average, boys score higher... -
Socio-economic Circumstances at Birth and Early Motherhood: The Case of the “...
This data archive includes a readme file with information about the data sets used and access; an excel file to replicate Figure 1; and two Stata do-files that include sample...