More on the influence of gender equality on gender differences in economic pr...
Introduction This study reproduces the results of the article Relationship of gender differences in preferences to economic development and gender equality (DOI:... -
How does the dramatic rise of CPS nonresponse impact labor market indicators?...
This is the replication package for “How does the dramatic rise of CPS nonresponse impact labor market indicators?” by Robert Bernhardt, David Munro, and Erin L. Wolcott,... -
Tests for equal forecast accuracy under heteroskedasticity (replication data)
This archive contains the replication files for "Tests for equal forecast accuracy under heteroskedasticity" by David Harvey, Stephen Leybourne and Yang Zu, in Journal of... -
Robot Adoption at German Plants
Using a newly collected dataset at the plant level from 2014 to 2018, we provide the first microscopic portrait of robotization in Germany and study the correlates of robot... -
Räumliche Konfigurationen des Messehandels im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Gedru...
Early modern printed fair calendars provide information about location, the date and duration of trade fairs. They appeared in various literary genres and thus reached a larger... -
The heterogeneous role of party affiliation in the runner-up effect (replicat...
This archive contains the replication files for "The heterogeneous role of party affiliation in the runner-up effect" by Umair Khalil, Mandar Oak and Sundar Ponnusamy in Journal... -
The benefits of forecasting inflation with machine learning: New evidence (re...
This is the replication package for "The benefits of forecasting inflation with machine learning: New evidence" by A. Naghi, E. O'Neill, and M. Zaharieva, Journal of Applied... -
Estimating separable matching models (replication data)
Code for Galichon-Salanie's "Estimating Separable Matching Models" Usage Create a virtual environment, e.g. with python3 -m venv env. Activate it with source env/bin/activate.... -
Estimating the Effects of Political Instability in Nascent Democracies
We revisit and examine the effect of political instability on institutional quality. To this end, we exploit the crackdown of government cabinet in 2008 that led to almost two... -
Identifying factors via automatic debiased machine learning (replication data)
This is the replication package for the empirical results in "Identifying factors via automatic debiased machine learning" by Esfandiar Maasoumi, Jianqiu Wang, Zhuo Wang and Ke... -
The Long-Term Effects of Measles Vaccination on Earnings and Employment. A Re...
The replication package reproduces the results presented in the paper "The Long-Term Effects of Measles Vaccination on Earnings and Employment. A Replication Study of Atwood... -
Mandatory seatbelt laws and traffic fatalities: A reassessment
Abstract. Using data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System for the period 1983-1997, Cohen and Einav (Review of Economics and Statistics 2003; 85(4): 828–843) found that... -
Regional Supply and Demand Fundamentals in the German Housing Price Boom
Over the last decade, German housing prices have increased unprecedentedly. Drawing on quality-adjusted housing price data at the district level, we show that regional... -
Panel data nowcasting: The case of price-earnings ratios (replication data)
This archive contains the replication data for the paper "Panel data nowcasting: The case of price-earnings ratios" by Andrii Babii, Ryan Ball, Eric Ghysels and Jonas Striaukas,... -
Weight Loss and Sexual Activity in Adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a Ca...
Obesity may not only be linked to undesirable health outcomes but also to limitations in sexual life. The present paper aims to assess whether there is a causal relationship... -
A high-dimensional multinomial logit model (replication data)
The number of parameters in a standard multinomial logit model increases linearly with the number of choice alternatives and number of explanatory variables. Since many modern... -
Knowledge Transfers from Multinational to Domestic Firms: Evidence from Worke...
These data access descriptions, code and log files explain the results presented in the paper "Knowledge Transfers from Multinational to Domestic Firms: Evidence from Worker... -
Revisiting the analysis of matched-pair and stratified experiments in the pre...
This archive contains the replication files for the paper “Revisiting the analysis of matched-pair and stratified experiments in the presence of attrition”, published in the... -
Partial identification and inference in duration models with endogenous censo...
This paper studies identification and inference in transformation models with endogenous censoring. Many kinds of duration models, such as the accelerated failure time model,... -
Disease and development – The predicted mortality instrument revisited (repli...
Replication materials for "Disease and development – The predicted mortality instrument revisited" by D. Kreitmeir and T. Überfuhr, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2023,...