Shadow Banks and the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in t...
We provide evidence for a risk-taking channel of monetary policy transmission in the euro area that works through an increase in shadow banks' total asset growth and their risk... -
Does Retail Trading Matter to Price Discovery?
The diminishing importance of retail investors and the institutionalization of markets are arguably a result of the general perception that individuals are not well informed... -
Lifetime Cost of Living and Effective Prices: Theory and Evidence for Germany...
The files include two datasets and a readme-file -
Ten years of daily stock prices on seven major Prussian railways (1875–1884):...
We present a dataset on daily spot and forward prices of seven major Prussian railway companies’ stock as traded at Berlin Stock Exchange between 1875 and 1884. In late 1879,... -
The gender-specific role of body weight for health, earnings and life satisfa...
This dataset has no description
The Labour Market Effects of a Refugee Wave
The original data used for this replications can be acquired from http://giovanniperi.ucdavis.edu/data-and-codes.html The Stata code replicates the results of "The Labour Market... -
Measuring Tolerant Behavior
This paper addresses the issue of measuring tolerance, viewed as a multifaceted phenomenon involving several different social domains. We develop a multidimensional index for... -
The Mental Health Cost of Terrorism
These are the replication files for Smith and Coupe (2020), a paper that tries to replicate Kim and Albert Kim (2018) -
Projecting the Spread of COVID19 for Germany
We model the evolution of the number of individuals reported sick with COVID-19 in Germany. Our theoretical framework builds on a continuous time Markov chain with four states:... -
German Labour Market Data—Data Provision and Access for the International Sci...
The Research Data Centre at the Institute for Employment Research (RDC-IAB) has been offering high-quality administrative and survey data on the German labour market for 15... -
The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Working Hours (Replication Infromation)
Information about data preparation and analysis corresponding to Burauel et al. (2019). The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Working Hours. -
Determining the Number of Factors in Static Approximate Factor Models Using D...
This paper is concerned with the applications of discrete Fourier transforms in identification of the number of common factors of static approximate factor models. We report and... -
Parity Funding of Health Care Contributions in Germany: A DSGE Perspective
Germany reintroduced parity funding of the statutory health insurance scheme in January 2019 by lowering the contribution rates for employees and raising those for employers,... -
Putting European Monetary Integration into a Historical Perspective - Replica...
This dataset provides the files required to reproduce the empirical part of Fendel/Frenkel, Putting European Monetary Integration into a Historical Perspective: Two Decades of... -
(Since When) Are East and West German Business Cycles Synchronised? - replica...
We analyze whether, and since when, East and West German business cycles are synchronised. We investigate real GDP, unemployment rates and survey data as business cycle... -
Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A replication study of Blau and Kahn...
I replicate the findings of Blau and Kahn (2017). The original datasets of the article can be downloaded here: https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jel.20160995. -
Sample size calculation in economic experiments
Clinical studies and economic experiments are often conducted with randomized controlled trials. In clinical studies, power calculations are carried out as a standard. But... -
Ein neuer langer Verbraucherpreisindex für Österreich, 1800–2018 (replication...
Indices of the development of consumer prices in Vienna or Austria date back to the year 1800. The corresponding article presents the first systematically documented and chained... -
Early prediction of university dropouts - a random forest approach
We predict university dropout using random forests based on conditional inference trees and on a broad German data set covering a wide range of aspects of student life and study... -
Replication code for "How repayments manipulate our perceptions about loan dy...
Algorithm to estimate loan origination based on Adalid and Falagiarda (2019), "How repayments manipulate our perceptions about loan dynamics after a boom", Journal of Economics...